06 String, Lists and Dictionaries


String in Python is identified as a contiguous set of characters represented in the quotation marks. One can use single or double quotes. Subsets of strings can be taken using the slice operator ([ ] and [:] ) with indexes starting at 0 in the beginning of the string. ie, "Dog", Hello World", "bad dude" etc. Lets take a look of the following example,

a = "The name of my dog "
b= "is "
c= "Tom"

age= "5"
    print("He is "+age+" years old.")

#  Here "5" is a string. We can add two string easily. But if 5 is integer we cant
#  add with string.

and you will see the following output,


Python has two data structures, list and tuples. The elements of lists or tuples can be numbers or strings, or both. Lists are defined by a pair of square bracket [ ] on either end of the individual element  separated by commas. Individual elements of lists can be changed.

a = [ 4, 5, 4, 2, 8, 5, 8, 13 ]
b = [ 5.0, "Tom", "horse", 8, 21 ]

print( a[0] )                   # We use zero based indexed
print( b[0] )

a[0]=b[0]+2                 # we can add two integer, but cant add integer and string

b[1]=3.14159              # But string can be replaced by integer or floating number

print( a )
print( b )                     # So, we have seen that list can be modified.

c=a+b                         # We can even add two lists together

print( c )

and you will see the following output,


Tuples are lists that are immutableIt means, once declared, the elements cant be changed. A tuple is written as a sequence of numbers enclosed in round ( ) parentheses. Lets take a look of the  following example.

a=( 4,  5,  8,  9,  23,  "horse" )

b=( 7,  5,  21,  1.2 )

print( a[ 1 ] )

# Elements of tuple cant be changed
# however, different tuples can be created from other two

print( c )                     # new tuple c is created from a and b

 and you will see the following output,

Python  Dictionary:

Dictionary is similar like lists. However, dictionary elements can be changed. Each key in dictionary is separated from its value by a colon ( : ),  the items are separated by commas, and the whole thing is enclosed in curly braces { }. ie, "Name": "Erdong Wang",  "Age": 35 etc.

dict= { "Name": "Erdong Wang",  "Age": 33,  "Work": "Brookhaven Lab" }

print( "Name: ", dict["Name"] )
print( "Age: ", dict["Age"] )
print( "Workplace: ", dict["Work"] )

# We can change the elements of Dictionary

dict ["Age"] = 35

print( "Name: ", dict["Name"] )
print( "Age: ", dict["Age"] )
print( "Workplace: ", dict["Work"] )

and you will see the following output,